How can you waste your time sitting around all day? Get out and do something productive!!!

I'll end up making it big one day. I sat this because I know it's possible. Sure, I'm young and naieve but that never stopped Freddie Mercury from making it big. That never stopped Jade Puget from making it big. Sure, that's no comparison, really, but I'm telling you: I am going to make it big one day.

Well, I'm old enough, I'm moving to the city. I'm tired living in the suburbs. I've lived here all my life and as much as I love it, I'm starting to become a city girl. I want to be around people who care about who they are, not who others are. I don't want to live in a place that's is so fabricated. Everyone here puts a mask on so nobody will really know who they are. And that's starting to make me really angry.

And it's true people don't want others to know who they really are because they're afraid of being judged. I'm tired of it. Don't be afraid to be yourself! Who cares if your so called ''best friend'' doesn't like that band your started getting in to? Don't stop listening to them just because your friend thinks it's stupid to! That's one the dumbest things that a person can do.

Be yourself. Don't let other people control you.
Bye!! xoxo Yas.